NP3 K-12 Counseling Team Vision
The vision of NP3 counselors is to promote student resource and resiliency through informed and responsive practices. We will foster a healthy and safe community. We will be focused on student centered outcomes that are equitable and culturally responsive.
Meet Our Counselors
Kelly Clancey
- 9th Grade Advisory | Hernandez, Qasmi
- 10th Grade Advisory |Missio, T.Lowery
- 11th Grade Advisory | England, Higgins/Meditz, Huang
- 12th Grade Advisory | Guzman, Knestrick
Ms. Clancey began working at NP3 in 2015 after her children attended NP3 middle and high school. She previously worked for 10 years as a therapist in Sacramento County Children’s Behavioral Health and Mercy Medical Group. Having earned her Master of Science in counseling, with specializations in Marriage and Family Therapy and School Counseling, she worked with all ages of students in San Juan Unified before working at NP3 High School.
Navjot Hayer
- 9th Grade Advisory | Dillingham, Ho
- 10th Grade Advisory | Hembree, Wabinga
- 11th Grade Advisory | Riehl, Vallesfino
- 12th Grade Advisory | Jones, Osborn, Daragahi
Hello Pirates! I was born and raised in Turlock, California. When I am not at NP3, I enjoy spending time with my family and loved ones.
I completed my Bachelor's degree in Psychology at Sacramento State in 2011. Shortly thereafter, I began my journey to earn my Master of Science degree in Counseling, specializing in School Counseling. While in Graduate school I interned at an Elementary and High School within the San Juan Unified School District. I also worked as a Migrant Education Advisor at the K-12 level in Yuba City, California. I graduated with my Master's in the spring of 2015 and joined the NP3 Pirates that summer.
I am thrilled to be a part of such a supportive team that strives to support students academically and personally. I look forward to continuing to watch our students grow and achieve their goals.
Lindsay Ulrich
- 9th Grade Advisory | Ciubal, Durham/Pedres, Felt
- 10th Grade Advisory | Simpson, Spall/Rice, Tyshchenko/Maccini
- 11th Grade Advisory | Harris, Parker
- 12th Grade Advisory | Peacock, Villaneva
Ahoy, Pirates! A little bit about me. I attended Chico State, where I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Business Marketing. I then decided to fulfill my dream of being an educator. I completed my Master's Degree in Educational Counseling then moved back up to Northern California, which is truly my home.
I love to travel, hike, work in my garden which is a constant work in progress, and most of all I love to hangout with my family. I could not be happier to be a part of the NP3 Counseling Team and am grateful to be a part of this amazing school community. Here's to another amazing school year, Pirates!
What Our Counselors Do
Our Counselors are assigned by grade level to individual Advisory classes. They meet with each student during the school year, to discuss their academic progress, future plans, and address any personal concerns. Students may request an appointment by sending and email (see below), or by leaving a "Request for a Counseling Appointment" form in their counselor's mailbox. Parents and teachers may also refer a student to counseling.
Counselors also:
- Visit Advisory classes to explain the role of counseling
- Work with Advisory Teachers to help each student develop their 4-year plan,
- Provide test prep materials and appropriate career and college prep information to students and parents
- Help coordinate college visits, and present the Academic Planning meetings for parents each February