The NP3 High School academic program is designed to ensure that each student is challenged and successful throughout high school, and well-prepared for success in top universities and colleges. Students enroll in College Prep (CP), Honors College Prep (HCP) and/or Advanced Placement (AP) classes. In completing graduation requirements, students are also completing the University of California's UC "a-g" admissions requirements and additional college prep or AP electives. NP3's grading scale is "A, B, C or NC (no credit). D's do not earn diplomas at NP3. Students take 8 classes per year in a 4-by-4 schedule, with four 10-credit classes in the Fall Term and 4 different 10-credit classes in the Spring Term (much like a college schedule). NP3 requires 260 credits to graduate.
Important Note: In order to be competitive for admission to highly selective private universities and UC campuses, students are encouraged to take AP classes and to complete classes in excess of the requirements and recommended numbers listed above.