ARC Dual Enrollment
Dual Enrollment is a program through American River College (ARC) that allows high school students with a 2.6 GPA or higher to enroll in college courses during their high school day. Many courses offered through dual enrollment change annually, but most students will have an opportunity to take a dual enrollment course in high school. Many of the courses offered through dual enrollment are elective courses that fulfill the (g) requirements for A-G, however, some core subject offerings will be available.
Dual enrollment courses are asynchronous online courses that are taught by an ARC professor. Students will have time within their school day to work on course work that is assigned to them by the professor, but it is important to understand these are college courses that require time to be dedicated to them outside of the school day and outside of the NP3 Academic Calendar.
Once students complete a dual enrollment course they will have earned college credit that is transferable to a CSU or UC, and in most cases will have earned high school credits towards their A-G and graduation goals. Most of the courses offered through dual enrollment will go towards each student's IGETC requirements for transfer to a university.