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NP3 K-12 Counseling Team Vision

The vision of NP3 counselors is to promote student resource and resiliency through informed and responsive practices. We will foster a healthy and safe community. We will be focused on student centered outcomes that are equitable and culturally responsive.

Meet Our Counselors


Linsey Dotson

Phone: 916-567-5746

Students with Last Names A-K

My name is Linsey Dotson, and I’m thrilled to be starting my 20th year in Education at NP3 and working with students with last names A-K. I have worked as a Middle School Counselor, High School Counselor, and Special Education Teacher.

I love connecting with students and helping them discover their purpose, passions, and college/career pathways. Spending time with my friends and family brings me joy. My door is always open, and I promise to offer students a safe place without judgment.

Lina Rashid

Phone: 916-567-5751

Students with Last Names L-Z

Ahoy, Pirates! I am excited to be starting my 3rd year as a counselor with NP3! As your counselor, I support your academic, personal/social, and career development needs to ensure you are smoothly sailin’ your way to success. One of the things I’m looking forward to most this year is getting to know all of you and finding out what makes you UNIQUE.

My office is a safe space for you to express yourself, so feel free to stop by anytime for a chat! You can also find counseling slips in all of your teachers’ classrooms to set up an appointment with me. I encourage you all to check out our counseling page for information on resources available to you in our community. Let’s get this year started mateys!

Services Provided

  • Meet with faculty, staff, parents, and students
  • Assist teachers with parent-team conferences, parent-teacher conferences, provide to teachers and parents records of student’s achievement, social and emotional development, and consult with teachers and parents as needed
  • Assist students with academic, social and personal issues
  • Facilitate Student Support/Study Team (SST) meetings and 504 meetings and also attend Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings

Visit a Counselor

  • Self-Referral
  • Referral from parent or teacher
  • Call or drop in
  • Students can fill out the “I would like to see a counselor” slip found in all teachers classrooms