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Pirates Run


Run for Rhett 2018-19
Run for Rhett 2018-19


About the Program

Runnin’ for Rhett is a non-profit organization that was founded on December 7th, 2007 by a grass roots group of family and friends that love Rhett Seevers.  Our mission is to inspire people to Move into Life. We do this through our vision of nurturing healthy communities through fitness and nutrition.
R4R Youth Fitness Program: Each year, over $100,000 is funded to 60+ Sacramento area schools. The grant awards include a 5-week after school training program that provides a twice weekly coached training program, a baby blue R4R cotton t-shirt and an entry into a designated race in the spring and fall.  Upon completion of their race, the students are also awarded a special race medal.
 Runnin for Rhett Organization

Contact information

Rebecca Clark


Enrichment & Intervention

Pirate Action Teams

Career Fair

College Fair

Washington DC and NYC Trip